
Congratulations to Lynne Matthews and Caroline Gardner for winning the "Lost Classmates" contest!  They tied for locating the most classmates and each received a $50.00 refund check towards their already paid registration fee. 

The big event is less than one month away!  Don't forget to book your hotel room if you haven't already - deadline is August 30th.  Also, while there is no "set" deadline to register for the reunion, please try to do so before August 30th.

We still have over 400 classmates missing and we are running out of time!  If you keep in contact with any of them or know where they may be, please fill in a missing classmates form and we will try hard to track them down with whatever information you can provide.

Hoping to see many of you in the fall!
Your Reunion Committee:
Paul Dzierski, Joey Booher, and Jennifer Phelan
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